Monday, April 30, 2012

Scala 2.10.0 Milestone 3

Scala is releasing the Milestone 3 for the 2.10 version of the Scala Compiler.

This release is generating a lot of discusion, this is caused for the new language modularization feature that the Scala creator is proposed with the SIP,

For information about the SIP process you can see the following link:

Well the post is about the milestone 3, the features of this milestone are:

  • Language modularization.
  • Type Dinamics.
  • Value Classes. 
  • Futures and Promises for concurrent programming.
  • Other like bug fixes and little proposals. 

Let me know what do you think about this release and if you think that the modularization language proposal is trying to make to Scala a simple leguage which is the biggest criticism that Scala language has?

SIP means Scala Improvement Process.

Why we use Class.forName with the jdbc driver?

The response for this is too simple.

The JDBC driver needs to be registered in the DriverManager class, for make the registration of the driver the runtime needs to call the implementation driver class this class can be the SQLServerDriver or the OracleDriver class, when the java runtime load this class a static block of code is executed and this execution of code make the registration of the driver in the DriverManager class.

Why we need to register a driver well if you do not register the driver, you are not able to get a connection from the DriverManager because the driver manager does not know anything about the database driver and does not have a register of the database driver. 

In the java doc for the DriverManager class you can see the following methods that help to register a database driver:

registerDriver(Driver driver) 

Javadoc for Driver Manager:

Note: for new drivers this behaviors is not more needed because the registration of the class is executed by a service registration in the META-INF files if you want more information about that, you can find in internet "Service Provider implementations in Java".

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Weld 2.0.0.Alpha2 released

The Weld Red Hat Team is delivering the Weld 2.0.0 Alpha2 release.

That contains several fixes for performance and memory management. The bechmarks show that in some cases the memory is decreasing from 50 to 80 porcent compared with previous releases.

I think that this are good news for the JEE reference implementation, because the reference implementation of context and dependency injection has many improvements in the last days.

For more information: JSR-346 (CDI 1.1),

Oracle Releases Java SE 7 Update 4 and JavaFX 2.1

Oracle is releasing the Java 7 update 4 that has many performance enhancements related to the hostpot virtual machine.

Moreover this release is the first release of the Oracle Java JDK for Mac. This means that the Mac users can run application with the 7 release of the Java JDK now, but  comercial Java Runtime is expected soon in later 2012.

Oracle is releasing too a new actualization for Netbeans IDE that supports Java FX 2.1 that have some improvements in the area of controls.

For more information:

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Translation of Lambda Expressions by Brian Goetz

In the following link Brian Goetz explain how the translation of lambdas can occur in Java.

The article tells us the following import topics:
  • How the lambda translation will manage the instance and not instance lambdas.
  • How the lambda translation will manage the Instance method reference and the not instance method reference. 
  • How is the visibility of the bridge methods implemented.
  • How can the lambda be desugarated.
Read the article and place a comment about what do you think.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Java EE like a Paas with Glassfish

This is interesting video maked by Arun Gupta about the PaaS support of the next version of Glassfish.

I think that cloud computing is an interesting topic, now Java EE is supporting it making our lifes a little bit easier. 

Let me know what do you think about cloud computing, the video and glassfish. 

Thursday, April 19, 2012

God of War Ascension

Today Amazon has announced the fourth installment of God of War for Play Station III

This can be confirmed by the amazon page:

If you need more information visit the official PlayStation blog:

Brian Goetz State of the Lambda: Libraries Edition

Brian Goetz had written about the state of the lambda for the libraries modifications.

In the article he explains about the the API's parallelism modifications, the stream functions that would be added to the API and how this modifications affects the actual collection library and how the engineering are working in a solution to add the lambda expression to the actual collection API.

The Link is the following:

Let me know what do you think about the State of the Lambda article?

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Eclipsecon 2012 PDF slides are now available

Some pdf slides for the Eclipsecon have been posted by the speakers.

Now is a good time to start reading and learning about eclipse with the most popular conference speakers and pdf slides.

Link for the slides:

Let me know if you find some interesting slides. 

Netbeans 7.2 new and noteworthy

This is the new and noteworthy page for the next version of Netbeans IDE 7.2.

In previous link you can see the new features of NetBeans IDE 7.2.

The most important features are:

Hey take a little time to see the new and noteworthy page of Netbeans and let me some comments about what do you think for the next version of Netbeans?

Revolutionizing Stream Pipelines with Custom Intermediate Operations JEP 473: Stream Gatherers (Second Preview)

Introduction In the ever-evolving scene of Java improvement, the Stream API has been a foundation of utilitarian programming paradigms sin...