Saturday, May 11, 2024

Revolutionizing Stream Pipelines with Custom Intermediate Operations JEP 473: Stream Gatherers (Second Preview)


In the ever-evolving scene of Java improvement, the Stream API has been a foundation of utilitarian programming paradigms since its presentation in Java 8. With each iteration, Java looks for to enhance its capabilities advance. In this post, we dig into JEP 473, which presents Stream Gatherers as a second preview feature, pointed at making stream pipelines more adaptable and expressive.

Understanding Stream Gatherers

Stream Gatherers point to amplify the capabilities of the Stream API by presenting custom intermediate operations. These operations permit designers to change information in ways not effectively achievable with built-in intermediate operations, hence upgrading the adaptability and expressiveness of stream pipelines.

Goals and Non-Goals

The essential objective of Stream Gatherers is to make stream pipelines more adaptable and expressive. It points to engage engineers to control streams of information in ways that were already challenging with standard intermediate operations.However, it is fundamental to note the non-goals of this feature. It is not aiming to alter the Java programming language itself to facilitate stream processing, nor is it pointed at special-casing the compilation of code utilizing the Stream API. Instep, Stream Gatherers center unequivocally on improving the capabilities inside the Stream API system.


The inspiration behind Stream Gatherers stems from the widespread adoption of streams in Java development. Whereas streams offer an effective and expressive way to prepare information, the settled set of intermediate operations now and then limits the capacity to express complex tasks concisely.

For occasion, consider scenarios where custom peculiarity criteria based on particular properties of components are required, or when gathering components into fixed-size groups with specialized logic gets to be fundamental. These are challenges that Stream Gatherers point to address effectively.

Exploring Stream Gatherers in Action

To better understand Stream Gatherers, let us dig into a commonsense example showcasing their control and flexibility.

Java Stream Gatherers: Understanding the Map Gatherer

In the space of Java programming, especially when overseeing with data taking care of utilizing streams, the map operation stands out as a crucial transformation instrument. let us burrow into a brief yet capable execution of the map gatherer, which plays a significant part in stream operations.

The Map Gatherer Function

Firstly, let us dissect the code snippet that characterizes the map gatherer:
    public final static  Gatherer map(Function mapper) {
        return Gatherer.of(
            () -> (Void)null,
            (nothing, element, downstream) ->
            (l,r) -> l,
            (nothing, downstream) -> {}

Code Breakdown

  1. Generic Declaration:
  2. <T, R>: This denotes the generic types used in the map gatherer. T represents the input type, while R signifies the ouput or return type.
  3. Gatherer.of Method:
  4. The Gatherer.of method constructs the gatherer using several functional interfaces.
  5. Initializer:
  6. () -> (Void)null: The initializer function returns null, essentially indicating no initial state is needed for this gatherer.
  7. Integrator:
  8. (nothing, element, downstream) -> downstream.push(mapper.apply(element)): Here, each element from the stream is processed by applying the 'mapper' function, which transforms T into R. The downstream.push method then passes this transformed element downstream for further processing.
  9. Combiner:
  10. (l, r) -> l: The combiner function specifies how to combine results when operating in parallel. In the map gatherer, this function simply returns the left result, as there's no need for combining.
  11. Finisher:
  12. (nothing, downstream) -> {}: Finally, the finisher function does nothing as there's no post-processing or final actions required for this gatherer.

Understanding the Map Operation

The essence of the map gatherer lies in its capacity to apply a transformation function (mapper) to each component of the stream, making a new stream of changed components. This adjusts closely with the customary map operation in Java streams, and this allows us to see the tremendous power of the Gatherers API, which can create new intermediate operations and also allows us to create our own versions of the standard Stream API functions such us map.

Example Usage

Lets's layout the utilization of the map gatherer with a essential example:
    Stream numbers = Stream.of(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
    Gatherer stringMapper = map(Object::toString);
    List stringNumbers = numbers.gather(stringMapper).toList();
    System.out.println("Is the first number a string? " + (stringNumbers.get(0) instanceof String));
In this case, we alter over a stream of integers into a stream of strings utilizing the map gatherer with a mapper function that changes integers to strings.

The code from this post can be run in Java Playground

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Revolutionizing Stream Pipelines with Custom Intermediate Operations JEP 473: Stream Gatherers (Second Preview)

Introduction In the ever-evolving scene of Java improvement, the Stream API has been a foundation of utilitarian programming paradigms sin...