Friday, October 17, 2014

7 new Jeps proposed for Java 9

These are the 7 new Jpes proposed for Java 9

211Elide Deprecation Warnings on Import Statements

212Resolve Lint and Doclint Warnings

213Milling Project Coin

214Remove GC Combinations Deprecated in JDK 8

215Tiered Attribution for javac

216Process Import Statements Correctly

217Annotations Pipeline 2.0
Most of the previous Jeps are related to Javadocs and deprecation warnings, they are not as bigger changes like lambdas, but always a good improvement in deprecation warnings, better Javadoc, or better annotation processing is well received.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

New Security release of IcedTea 1-13-5 for openjdk 6

There is a new security update for Iced Tea 1-13-5 jdk 6.

This release has important updates in security and in optimizations performance.

For more information the following link

Monday, October 13, 2014

JDK 9 early access now available

The early access of the jdk 9 is available with the purpose to include more developer to test and to try the new features of Java 9.

Jdk 9 page:
Jdk build 34 with enhacements and bug fixed:


Thursday, October 9, 2014

A new version of Android Studio was released 0.8.12

Android Studio has a new version published today, this version has improvements in the AVD manager, that is more integrated with the IDE, and has several other improvements, for more information please visit the following link.

Ceylon 1.1.0 is available

Ceylon the programming language created by Red Hat, is publishing the version 1.1.0 with important features like:

  1. This release has 1400 bug that were fixed. 
  2. Perfomance enhacement related to compilation times.
  3. More compatibility with Java Generics, this is a big win, to success Ceylon needs more interoperability with Java. 

See the following link for more information about the 1.1.0 Ceylon ReleaseÑ

Hey, what do you think of Ceylon 1.1.0, please let us know what do you think? 

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Netbeans 8.1 new and noteworthy

In the following you can see the new features of Netbeans 8.1

As you can see this release is focusing in Javascript, that are good news for all the Javascript developers that has an excelent IDE like Netbeans to start new projects. 

33 Build of JDK 9, with new features and fixed bugs.

In the following link you can see the new features and bugs fixed for JDK 9 build 33:

Enjoy, and let us know what are your most interesting bug or feature. 

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

JavaOne 2014 presentation and slides

In the following link you can nativate through the different Javaone 2014 sessions, and see some of pdf available for each session.

Note: Not all the presentations or slides are available.


Monday, October 6, 2014

JDK 9, list of issues and features 32 published.

The list of issues resolved and new features implemented for JDK 9 number 32 is published in the following link:

In the previous list you can see some issues that start the modularity work for the JDK9, and some minor bug fixed.

Friday, October 3, 2014

JVM Language Summit 2014 slides and videos available

The slides and videos for the JVM Language Summit 2014 are available in the next link:

My favorite presentations are:

  1. Evolving the JVM
  2. JVM at Google
What are your favorite presentations? 

Please share your opinions, and enjoy the presentations.  

Get your OCA Java SE 8 Programmer Certification for only $50

For a limit period of time you can get the "BETA" OCA, Java SE 8 Programmer, exam for just only $50 dollars. This is the first exam that you need to take to have the Java SE 8 Programmer certification.

For more information see the following link:


Revolutionizing Stream Pipelines with Custom Intermediate Operations JEP 473: Stream Gatherers (Second Preview)

Introduction In the ever-evolving scene of Java improvement, the Stream API has been a foundation of utilitarian programming paradigms sin...