Monday, May 21, 2012

What is a software component? part 2

Today will be defined which is a configurable software component:

Well a configurable software component is a component that you can deploy without has the source code, and them you need to change the behavior or default configuration of the component to live in heterogeneous environments.

You need to ask the following to determine if a component is configurable:
  1. The component can live in other enviroments a part of the original application that develop the component.
  2. You can change the configuration of the component to adapt the functionality to other environments.
  3. If you need to modify the binary format of the component this is not a real component is a dependent application component. 
  4. Your component can interact with other component configurations environment by example you can create a component X that can be configure or extended to be configure with the configuration of a Y system or Z component configuration. 
  5. If you found that you component is difficult to configure this is not a real component you need to set the default values of the component or correct several mistakes that you have when develop the component. 

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